1998 Constitutional Amendments

Amendment Number and Question

Legislative Council's

H.J.R. 6

"Shall Section 4, Article IX, and Section 8, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended as follows:
1. To change the name of the Public School Fund to the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund;
2. To provide that the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund shall include proceeds from the sale of school lands and amounts allocated from the Public School Earnings Reserve Fund;
3. To provide an exception that proceeds from the sale of school lands may be deposited into a Land Bank Fund to be used to acquire other lands within the state for the benefit of endowment beneficiaries, but if those proceeds are not used to acquire other lands within a time provided by the legislature the proceeds of the sale shall be deposited into the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund along with earnings on the proceeds; and
4. To change the word disposal to sale in reference to the disposition of certain lands?".

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment

H.J.R. 8

"Shall Section 3, Article IX, and Section 11, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended as follows:
1. To change the name of the Public School Fund to the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund;
2. To provide that the earnings of that fund shall be deposited into the Public School Earnings Reserve Fund and distributed in the maintenance of the schools and among the counties and school districts of the state;
3. To provide that no part of the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund principal shall be transferred, used or appropriated to any other fund;
4. To prohibit legislative appropriations from the funds except that the legislature may appropriate moneys from the Public School Earnings Reserve Fund to pay for administrative costs incurred managing the assets of the public school endowment including, but not limited to, real property and monetary assets;
5. To provide that the state treasurer is the custodian of these funds;
6. To provide that the state shall supply losses incurred by the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund, excepting losses on moneys allocated from the Public School Earnings Reserve Fund; and
7. To provide that permanent endowment funds may be invested, rather than loaned, in investments in which a trustee is authorized to invest pursuant to state law?".

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment

S.J.R. No. 101

"Shall Section 17, Article V, and Section 27, Article V, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to delete obsolete language and to provide that the salaries of justices and judges shall be as provided by statute, to clarify that judges of the Court of Appeals and magistrate judges shall subscribe an oath regarding a thirty day disposition of cases submitted to them and to clarify that the legislature may increase or diminish the compensation of judges of the Court of Appeals and magistrate judges?"

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment

S.J.R. No. 102

"Shall Section 19, Article IV, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho, relating to salaries and fees of the officers of the executive department be repealed?"

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment

S.J.R. 105

"Shall Section 3, Article VI, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to delete the prohibition of a person being under guardianship from voting, serving as a juror or holding any civil office?".

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment

S.J.R. 106

"Shall Section 2, Article VIII, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to provide for a fund which shall consist of funds provided by law to guarantee the debt of school districts in accordance with law, to provide that the state may guarantee the debt of school districts and may guarantee debt incurred to refund the school district debt, to provide that any debt guaranty, the school district debt guaranteed thereby, or any borrowing of the state undertaken to facilitate the payments of the state's obligation under any debt guaranty shall not be included as a debt of the state for the purposes of the limitation of Section 1, Article VIII of the constitution of the state of Idaho, to provide that the legislature may provide by law that reimbursement to the state shall be obtained from moneys which otherwise would be used for the support of the educational programs of the school district which incurred the debt with respect to which a payment under the state's guaranty pursuant to this section was made?".

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment

S.J.R. 107

"Shall Section 1, Article VIII, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to delete obsolete language and amounts to clarify limits on state debts and liabilities, to provide for publication of notice of intent to create state indebtedness, to except from the section ordinary operating expenses and debts or liabilities that will be repaid within the fiscal year, to provide that debts and liabilities of independent public bodies corporate and politic created by law and which have no power to levy taxes or obligate the general fund of the state are not debts of the State of Idaho and to provide these amendments shall not make illegal those types of financial transactions that were previously legal under this section of the Idaho Constitution?".

Statement Of Meaning And Purpose & Effect of Adoption

Statements For & Against the Proposed Amendment