SJR 101 Meaning and Effect of Adoption

Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Idaho:

SJR 101

Section 17, Article V
Meaning and Purpose of Proposed Amendment:

To delete language setting salaries for Supreme Court justices and District Court judges at $3,000 per year. To add language specifying that salaries for Supreme Court justices and District Court, Court of Appeals and Magistrate Court judges may be set by law. To require all judges to take an oath, before being paid, that no matter in controversy remains undecided thirty days after being submitted to them for final determination.

Effect of Adoption:

Justices and judges of all Idaho courts would have salaries established by statute. Obsolete, exact compensation amounts for Supreme Court justices and District Court judges would be eliminated. Language referring to Court of Appeals and Magistrate Court judges would be added. All judges would be required to take an oath that no matter in controversy submitted for their final determination is more than thirty days old.

Section 27, Article V
Meaning and Purpose of Proposed Amendment:

To delete references to state offices that no longer exist. To add references to Idaho courts not currently included because they were created after the constitution was adopted.

Effect of Adoption:

References to the "commission of immigration and labor" and to "district attorneys" would be deleted. References to "court of appeals" and "magistrate" judges would be added.