Statewide Totals
Voting Statistics
Total Number Registered Voters at Cutoff 808,541
Number Election Day Registrants 17,945
Total Number of Registered Voters 826,486
Number of Ballots Cast 269,467
% of Registered Voters that Voted 32.6%

United States Representative - District 1
Total Plurality Percentage
DEM Cristina McNeil 19,073 14,736 69.7%
DEM Michael W Smith 3,964 14.5%
DEM James Vandermaas 4,337 15.8%
REP Russ Fulcher 42,790 27,376 43.1%
REP Alex Gallegos 3,478 3.5%
REP Nick Henderson 2,003 2.0%
REP David H. Leroy 15,414 15.5%
REP Luke Malek 14,152 14.3%
REP Christy Perry 11,108 11.2%
REP Michael Snyder 10,288 10.4%

United States Representative - District 2
Total Plurality Percentage
DEM Peter Rickards 8,987 32.4%
DEM Aaron Swisher 18,709 9,722 67.6%
REP Mike Simpson 72,243 100.0%

Total Plurality Percentage
DEM A J Balukoff 26,423 40.1%
DEM Peter Dill 954 1.4%
DEM Paulette Jordan 38,505 12,082 58.4%
REP Tommy Ahlquist 51,008 26.2%
REP Harley Delano Brown 874 0.4%
REP Dalton Ben Cannady 527 0.3%
REP Raul Labrador 63,478 32.6%
REP Brad Little 72,548 9,070 37.3%
REP Lisa Marie 3,397 1.7%
REP Steve Pankey 2,704 1.4%

Lieutenant Governor
Total Plurality Percentage
DEM Kristin Collum 52,417 45,430 88.2%
DEM Jim Fabe 6,987 11.8%
REP Marv Hagedorn 26,653 15.1%
REP Janice McGeachin 51,098 2,829 28.9%
REP Bob Nonini 26,556 15.0%
REP Kelley Packer 24,513 13.8%
REP Steve Yates 48,269 27.3%

Secretary of State
Total Plurality Percentage
DEM Joseph J.P. Chastain 14,361 25.2%
DEM Jill Humble 42,611 28,250 74.8%
REP Lawerence E. Denney 157,014 100.0%

State Controller
Total Plurality Percentage
REP Brandon D Woolf 154,375 100.0%

State Treasurer
Total Plurality Percentage
REP Julie A. Ellsworth 60,482 4,825 36.8%
REP Tom Kealey 55,657 33.8%
REP Vicky J McIntyre 48,310 29.4%

Attorney General
Total Plurality Percentage
DEM Bruce S. Bistline 47,637 100.0%
REP Lawrence Wasden 157,064 100.0%

Superintendent of Public Instruction
Total Plurality Percentage
DEM Allen Humble 8,051 14.0%
DEM Cindy Wilson 49,565 41,514 86.0%
REP Jeff Dillon 71,856 41.1%
REP Sherri Ybarra 103,071 31,215 58.9%

Supreme Court Justice
Total Plurality Percentage
NON G. Richard Bevan
To succeed: G. Richard Bevan
190,316 100.0%

Appellate Court Judge
Total Plurality Percentage
NON David W. Gratton
To succeed: David W. Gratton
186,659 100.0%
NON Jessica M. Lorello
To succeed: Jessica M. Lorello
186,406 100.0%

District Judge - District 1
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Barbara Buchanan
To succeed: Barbara Buchanan
28,233 100.0%
NON Cynthia K.C. Meyer
To succeed: Cynthia K.C. Meyer
27,366 100.0%
NON John T. Mitchell
To succeed: John T. Mitchell
19,478 7,745 62.4%
NON Douglas A. Pierce
To succeed: John T. Mitchell
11,733 37.6%
NON Lansing L. Haynes
To succeed: Lansing L. Haynes
27,109 100.0%
NON Rich Christensen
To succeed: Rich Christensen
27,273 100.0%
NON Scott Wayman
To succeed: Scott Wayman
27,087 100.0%

District Judge - District 2
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Gregory FitzMaurice
To succeed: Gregory FitzMaurice
12,234 100.0%
NON Jay Gaskill
To succeed: Jay Gaskill
11,890 100.0%
NON Jeff M. Brudie
To succeed: Jeff M. Brudie
12,184 100.0%
NON John R. Stegner
To succeed: John R. Stegner
12,537 100.0%

District Judge - District 3
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Bradly S. Ford
To succeed: Bradly S. Ford
29,502 100.0%
NON Christopher S. Nye
To succeed: Christopher S. Nye
29,264 100.0%
NON Davis F. VanderVelde
To succeed: Davis F. VanderVelde
28,967 100.0%
NON Gene A Petty
To succeed: Gene A Petty
28,926 100.0%
NON George A. Southworth
To succeed: George A. Southworth
29,037 100.0%
NON Susan E. Wiebe
To succeed: Susan E. Wiebe
29,296 100.0%

District Judge - District 4
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Deborah Bail
To succeed: Deborah A. Bail
55,304 100.0%
NON Jason D. Scott
To succeed: Jason D. Scott
52,585 100.0%
NON Jonathan Medema
To succeed: Jonathan Medema
51,968 100.0%
NON Lynn Norton
To succeed: Lynn G. Norton
52,816 100.0%
NON Melissa Moody
To succeed: Melissa Moody
53,112 100.0%
NON Michael J. Reardon
To succeed: Michael J. Reardon
52,095 100.0%
NON Nancy A. Baskin
To succeed: Nancy A. Baskin
52,983 100.0%
NON Richard D. Greenwood
To succeed: Richard Greenwood
51,615 100.0%
NON Samuel A. Hoagland
To succeed: Samuel A. Hoagland
51,990 100.0%
NON Steven Hippler
To succeed: Steven Hippler
51,420 100.0%

District Judge - District 5
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Eric J. Wildman
To succeed: Eric J. Wildman
20,663 100.0%
NON John K. Butler
To succeed: John K. Butler
20,745 100.0%
NON Jonathan P. Brody
To succeed: Jonathan P. Brody
20,494 100.0%
NON Samuel S. Beus
To succeed: Randy J. Stoker
3,413 15.2%
NON Theodore Booth
To succeed: Randy J. Stoker
3,518 15.7%
NON David W. Gadd
To succeed: Randy J. Stoker
5,133 22.8%
NON Roger B. Harris
To succeed: Randy J. Stoker
10,410 5,277 46.3%

District Judge - District 6
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Mitchell W. Brown
To succeed: Mitchell W. Brown
13,740 100.0%
NON Robert C. Naftz
To succeed: Robert C. Naftz
13,684 100.0%
NON Stephen S. Dunn
To succeed: Stephen S. Dunn
13,654 100.0%

District Judge - District 7
Total Plurality Percentage
NON Bruce L. Pickett
To succeed: Bruce L. Pickett
30,328 100.0%
NON Dane H. Watkins, Jr.
To succeed: Dane H. Watkins, Jr.
29,850 100.0%
NON Darren B Simpson
To succeed: Darren B Simpson
29,463 100.0%
NON Gregory W. Moeller
To succeed: Gregory W. Moeller
29,626 100.0%
NON Joel E. Tingey
To succeed: Joel E. Tingey
29,221 100.0%