2008 Primary Results US President
Dem. Dem. Dem. Dem. Rep. Rep. Rep.
Counties Hillary Clinton Keith Russell Judd Barack Obama None of the Names Shown John McCain Ron Paul None of the Names Shown
Ada 3,634 83 7,338 236 18,003 6,531 1,666
Adams 55 1 107 0 724 304 9
Bannock 1,590 115 1,937 304 1,935 672 98
Bear Lake 72 7 85 2 1,121 171 23
Benewah 224 17 269 42 372 199 13
Bingham 348 22 428 60 4,086 864 595
Blaine 336 6 1,177 49 650 109 21
Boise 72 5 155 0 992 461 27
Bonner 551 17 890 49 2,950 1,427 416
Bonneville 512 12 780 61 4,403 1,270 554
Boundary 174 6 273 0 879 576 11
Butte 49 4 47 0 614 150 19
Camas 17 3 22 1 216 73 6
Canyon 1,132 72 1,440 130 7,568 3,369 1,228
Caribou 53 7 65 2 1,596 257 61
Cassia 92 6 89 12 2,184 501 247
Clark 4 3 8 2 200 26 10
Clearwater 191 7 230 25 401 107 34
Custer 81 10 118 4 643 230 33
Elmore 272 8 260 34 1,234 348 119
Franklin 36 3 51 6 1,663 230 226
Fremont 73 7 105 7 2,221 493 252
Gem 176 4 224 9 1,857 702 195
Gooding 155 11 181 21 1,318 331 133
Idaho 295 14 417 0 1,724 921 0
Jefferson 92 9 105 12 1,214 408 94
Jerome 135 10 139 5 1,512 433 113
Kootenai 1,559 25 1,976 91 6,411 3,004 560
Latah 397 8 705 41 746 302 76
Lemhi 83 0 120 5 1,245 379 155
Lewis 118 8 128 7 412 151 15
Lincoln 73 6 75 4 578 137 33
Madison 57 6 94 15 2,935 651 314
Minidoka 147 7 114 12 1,348 351 216
Nez Perce 770 32 786 123 1,470 325 107
Oneida 41 1 29 3 992 256 59
Owyhee 91 10 104 0 1,237 409 19
Payette 201 6 246 18 985 443 46
Power 86 4 134 12 236 60 21
Shoshone 1,050 107 964 464 348 126 22
Teton 166 4 421 34 542 127 61
Twin Falls 533 23 622 36 3,424 1,073 203
Valley 129 2 249 7 1,156 440 173
Washington 200 16 273 21 1,115 388 42
TOTAL 16,122 734 23,980 1,966 87,460 29,785 8,325
Plurality 7,858 57,675
Percentage 37.7% 1.7% 56.0% 4.6% 69.7% 23.7% 6.6%