2004 General Results statewide
Voting Statistics
Number Election Day Registrants 117,622
Total Number Registered Voters 798,015
Number Ballots Cast 612,786
% of Registered Voters That Voted 76.79%

Total Plurality Percentage
United States President
LIB Michael Badnarik 3,844 0.6%
REP George W. Bush 409,235 228,137 68.4%
DEM John F. Kerry 181,098 30.3%
CON Michael A. Peroutka 3,084 0.5%
IND WI Ralph Nader 1,115 0.2%
U.S. Senator
REP Mike Crapo 499,796 495,660 99.2%
DEM WI Scott F. McClure 4,136 0.8%
U.S. Representative - District 1
REP C.L. "Butch" Otter


116,735 69.5%
DEM Naomi Preston 90,927 30.5%
U.S. Representative - District 2
REP Mike Simpson 193,704 113,571 70.7%
DEM Lin Witworth 80,133 29.3%