Idaho Constitutional Amendment Historical 1960s through 1970s


November 7 1978 HJR 6
Art. 5,
Sec. 13
Legislature authorized to provide mandatory minimum sentences 181,443 69.9 78,026 30.1 Approved
SJR 102
Art. 8,
Sec. 3B
Allow port district to issue revenue bonds 140,534 58.8 98,307 41.2 Approved
SJR 110
Art. 9,
Sec. 5
Idaho Health Facilities empowered to finance or operate health facilities 121,101 47.4 134,615 52.6 Defeated
SJR 115
Art. 8,
Sec. 3
Reduce from 2/3 to a majority - revenue bonds for airport facilities 119,986 47.6 132,082 52.4 Defeated
SJR 116
Art. 1,
Sec. 11
Reinforcing the right to keep and bear arms 222,423 82.5 47,084 17.5 Approved
November 2 1976 HJR 6
Art. 3,
Sec. 23
Legislative Compensation Committee 174,722 58.5 123,797 41.5 Approved
SJR 109
Art. 8,
Sec. 3
Revenue bond for rehabilitating electrical generating facilities 199,518 66.8 99,216 33.2 Approved
November 5 1974 SJR 114
Art. 8,
Sec. 3A
Revenue bonds for county pollution control 131,180 59.9 87,972 40.1 Approved
SJR 118
Art. 20,
Sec. 1
Constitutional amendments to be published in all legal newspapers 139,118 64.5 76,405 35.5 Approved
November 7 1972 HJR 35
Art. 9,
Sec. 5
Permit public funds for transportation of children to and from sectarian schools 116,373 42.6 156,855 57.4 Defeated
HJR 52
Art. 4,
Sec. 1
Government and Lt. Governor must be of same political party 97,842 35.7 176,065 64.3 Defeated
HJR 63
Art. 11,
Sec. 4
Shareholders of voting or common stock may vote for directors 154,028 60.4 100,922 39.6 Approved
HJR 73
Art. 8,
Sec. 3
Reduce from 2/3 to a majority - revenue bonds for water/sewage systems 134,651 50.5 131,879 49.5 Approved
SJR 101
Art. 9,
Sec. 7
Eliminate the presently constituted Land Board 117,213 43.9 149,592 56.1 Defeated
SJR 112
Art. 3,
Sec. 23
Legislative Compensation Citizens Committee 110,370 40.9 159,684 59.1 Defeated
SJR 113
Art. 3,
Sec. 23
Legislative compensation annual salary of $3,600 70,638 26.6 195,277 73.4 Defeated
SJR 124
Art. 9,
Sec. 9
Compulsory school attendance 136,833 50.6 133,735 49.4 Approved
SJR 132
Art. 4,
Sec. 20
Executive branch re-organization 162,999 59.9 108,996 40.1 Approved
November 3 1970 HJR 3
Art. 18,
Sec. 6
4 year term for County Assessor 126,846 57.7 92,908 42.3 Approved
SJR 121
Art. 18,
Sec. 6
4 year term for County Treasurer 125,118 56.9 94,617 43.1 Approved
SJR 122
Revised State Constitution 75,138 34.1 145,066 65.9 Defeated
November 5 1968 HJR 1
Art. 3,
Sec. 8
To make legislative sessions annual commencing 2nd Monday of January 137,572 57.7 100,883 42.3 Approved
Art. 4,
Sec. 6
Calling for Governor to select replacements by law for executive office vacancies 132,673 57.6 97,793 42.4 Approved
Art. 5,
Sec. 28
Provisions for the retirement, discipline and removal from office of Justices and Judges shall be as provided by law 165,287 73.2 60,370 26.8 Approved
Art. 8,
Sec. 3
Allowing air navigation facilities to be financed by revenue bonds 131,390 58.9 91,760 41.1 Approved
Art. 20,
Sec. 2
Amendments to constitution can embrace several subjects provided revision committee has reviewed 104,697 46.6 119,772 53.4 Defeated
Art. 9,
Sec. 11
Limitations on county and municipal indebtedness 141,627 62.3 85,842 37.7 Approved
Art. 4,
Sec. 1
Removing the Superintendent of Public Instruction as an elected officer 101,812 44.9 124,808 55.1 Defeated
Art. 11,
Sec. 4
Limit right to vote for directors to those stockholders who qualify under corporate laws 71,968 32.7 147,930 67.3 Defeated
Art. 3,
Sec. 23
Pay increase for Legislators 97,457 43.0 129,422 57.0 Defeated
November 8 1966 HJR 9
Art. 11,
Sec. 4
Limit right to vote for directors to those stockholders who qualify under corporations laws 78,004 40.3 115,762 59.7 Defeated
HJR 10
Art. 11,
Sec. 9
Provide that stock of corporations may be increased only with consent of persons holding majority of stock of the class to be increased 109,500 55.1 89,126 44.9 Approved
Art. 1,
Sec. 7
Deleting 6 man juries in civil actions of less than $500.00 and limiting all other juries to 6 128,131 62.4 77,161 37.6 Approved
Art. 5,
Sec. 12
Allowing retired Supreme Court and District Justices authority to act on request of District Judge, Governor or Supreme Court 114,376 57.0 86,168 43.0 Approved
SJR 11
Sec. 3,
Art. 8
Limitations on county and municipal indebtedness 121,800 61.2 77,349 38.8 Approved
Art. 20,
Sec. 2
Allow amendments to the Constitution to embrace more than one subject 92,350 48.2 99,383 51.8 Defeated
November 3 1964 HJR 5
Art. 8,
Sec. 3
Creation of port districts 178,083 70.3 75,254 29.7 Approved
Art. 15, Sec. 7
Creation of water resources agency 146,724 56.8 111,521 43.2 Approved
Art. 18, Sec. 6
Extending term for County Sheriffs to 4 years 172,268 65.8 89,525 34.2 Approved
November 6 1962 HJR 10
Art. 5,
Sec. 2, 21, 22;
Art. 18,
Sec. 6
To eliminate probate courts as constitutional courts 118,668 59.2 81,815 40.8 Approved
Art. 6,
Sec. 3
To permit Chinese, Japanese and other citizens of Mongolian descent full rights as citizens of the state 180,699 75.4 58,951 24.6 Approved
Art. 6,
Sec. 2
60 days residence requirement for the sole purpose to vote for President and Vice-President if otherwise qualified 181,387 78.3 50,201 21.7 Approved
November 8 1960 HJR 9
Art. 18,
Sec. 6
Office of Surveyor removed from designation in Constitution as constitutional office 129,407 54.9 106,276 45.1 Approved
Art. 6,
Sec. 2
Providing that citizens 19 years or older shall be qualified electors 113,594 42.2 155,548 57.8 Defeated
Art. 3,
Sec. 27
Emergency acts of Legislature to insure continuity of government in case of enemy attack authorized 191,424 77.2 56,389 22.8 Approved
Art. 8,
Sec. 1
Raise limitation on creation of public indebtedness from two million dollars to three percent of assessed valuation of all property in state 84,298 34.8 157,757 65.2 Defeated