IDSOS 2010 Ballot Initiatives

The deadline to submit petitions has passed. No proposed initiatives submitted sufficient signatures to attain ballot status. There will be no statewide initiatives on the November 2010 ballot.

Click on the link to view the proposed initiative details.

An initiative allowing school boards to permit the bible to be studied as literature and for its influence on history.

An initiative providing for permanent absentee balloting. [circulating currently, for ballot status in 2012]

An initiative declaring firearms manufactured and sold in Idaho are not subject to federal regulation.

Initiative to create an Idaho state private currency exchange to permit payment of taxes and fees and nullify federal laws.

Initiative declaring nutritional and therapeutic products made and sold in Idaho are not subject to interstate commerce laws and regulations.

An initiative prohibiting Idaho counties from membership in or providing funding to certain international organizations.

An initiative to create a state animal identification system and nullifying federal law

An initiative requiring citation to the specific constitutional provision authorizing enactment of state or federal law.

An initiative restricting the payment of federal tax collections based on state discretion.

An initiative to clarify and limit the scope and applicability of certain laws related to health care.

An initiative prohibiting new regulations regarding nontoxic greenhouse gas emissions, repealing existing orders and nullifying federal law.

An initiative to require certification of candidates for President, Vice President, and electors by the Idaho Secretary of State.

An Initiative to require consent for vaccination and prohibit threats or coercion to receive vaccination.

An Initiative to prohibit federal regulation or mandates of state-specific health insurance plans and nullifying federal law.

An initiative prohibiting tracking firearms and nullifying federal firearms regulations.

An initiative requiring federal employees and officers obtain a sheriff’s written consent to make an arrest.

An initiative to restrict changes in zoning, land use or other restrictions on the use of private property.

An initiative limiting the deployment of national guard members, defining Governor’s authority and nullifying federal law.

An initiative to require documentation of authority of the United States to collect personal income taxes.

An initiative regarding the rights of jurors to determine both the facts and the law in a case.

An initiative to remove the penalty for the practice of midwifery without a license.