1998 Proposed Ballot Initiatives

One initiative qualified for ballot status and appeared on the November 3 General Election ballot as Proposition 1.

Initiative allowing congressional candidates to sign term limits pledge; informs voters on the ballot if candidate signs or breaks pledge.

The following proposed initiatives did not file signatures to obtain ballot status by the July 6th deadline and did not appear on the General Election ballot.

Initiative attempting to regulate reburial of plutonium and attempting to add certain requirements concerning radioactive material to state air quality permits.

Initiative to incrementally phase out property tax levy for public school maintenance and operation by the year 2001.

Initiative repealing and amending certain requirements governing the process for placing a voter initiative on the ballot.

Initiative amending ballot access restriction for certain incumbents by authorizing local initiatives excluding county and municipal offices from ballot restriction.

Initiative to prohibit the use of bait and to limit the season for using dogs while hunting black bear.

Initiative changing labor negotiation process between school districts and local education organizations representing professional employees.