Text of Advisory Vote

Text of Advisory Vote
H.B. 644

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares that the issue of term limitations for elected officials is of importance to the citizens of the state of Idaho. As a representative body, members of the Legislature desire to be responsive and responsible to these citizens. For this reason, the Legislature herewith submits an advisory ballot to the electors of the state of Idaho, and the results will guide the Legislature as to whether Idaho laws providing term limitations for state, county and city elected officials and school district trustees should be retained or repealed.

At the election to be held on November 3, 1998, the question provided herein shall be placed on the ballot as an advisory vote. The Secretary of State and the Attorney General shall perform the duties as prescribed for an initiative in Chapter 18, Title 34, Idaho Code. The question shall be as follows:

"Since the United States Supreme Court has ruled that Idaho's 1994 term limits law does not apply to members of Congress, shall term limits for state elected officials, state legislators, county elected officials, city elected officials and school district trustees remain in place?"

The advisory question provided for in this act is hereby declared to be a "measure" for purposes of Chapter 66, Title 67, Idaho Code, and the provisions of Chapter 66, Title 67, Idaho Code, shall apply thereto.